Monika Škrochová

Kostoľany nad Hornádom

It has been my lifetime dream to learn bobbin lace making. As a secondary school student I used to stop by the shop window display of the Centre for Folk Art Production (ÚĽUV) in Košice, intrigued by the beauty of the pillows and bobbins. However, I began bobbin lace making much later, in 2017/2018, when I attended an accredited educational course in ÚĽUV Košice, led by experienced teacher Alenka Žižanová, and I have been honing my skills ever since. The longer I am into bobbin lace making, the more I get mesmerised by the traditional Slovakian lace, its variety, singularity and timeless beauty. I find it enriching to deepen my knowledge about the history of regional bobbin lace. I feel great admiration for the ingenuity and dexterity of former generations of bobbin lace makers, considering the environment and conditions in which they worked. They were making lace by heart, with no patterns, and with minimal equipment compared to what we now have at our disposal. Yet, in spite of all these conditions and hardships, they managed to leave us unbelievable treasures of spirit and creativity hidden in the patterns, from which, even today, it is possible to detect their dreams and desires.